Correa ‘Just a Touch’: A Complete Guide to Growing and Enjoying this Charming Australian Native Plant

Correa 'Just a Touch'
Correa ‘Just a Touch’

Correa ‘Just a Touch’ is an exceptional Australian native plant that has gained popularity in gardens and landscapes worldwide for its unique visual appeal. This hybrid of the Rutaceae family stands out with its charming white and pink flowers, which bloom during the autumn and winter seasons. Beyond its beautiful façade, the Correa ‘Just a Touch’ is also known for its adaptable nature and is well-suited to various environments and soils, such as sandy, loamy, clay loam, potting mix, and even poor soil.

In this blog post, our goal is to provide an extensive guide for successfully cultivating, nurturing, and appreciating Correa ‘Just a Touch’ in a range of outdoor settings. We will explore its diverse plant environment, including low maintenance gardens, courtyards, poolside areas, coastal gardens, and drought-resistant landscapes, making it an excellent choice for many gardeners. Additionally, this evergreen and mound-shaped perennial can tolerate light frost and thrives well in different climate zones, such as warm temperate, cool temperate, and Mediterranean regions.

Not only is the Correa ‘Just a Touch’ visually appealing, but it also serves some ecological benefits; the plant attracts various wildlife, including nectar-eating birds and insects. So whether you want to add a touch of elegance to your garden or create a haven for nectar-loving creatures, Correa ‘Just a Touch’ will undoubtedly become a cherished addition to any outdoor space.

Dive into the rest of this extensive guide to unearth the secrets behind making the most of this stunning Australian native plant, Correa ‘Just a Touch’, and enhance your gardening expertise.

Characteristics and Description of Correa ‘Just a Touch’

Size and Foliage

Correa ‘Just a Touch’ is a small shrub, typically reaching a height and width of about 0.5 to 1 metre. Part of the Rutaceae family, this evergreen, mound-shaped perennial is characterized by its dense, attractive foliage that remains vibrant throughout the year, providing a constant green backdrop in gardens and outdoor spaces.

Unique Flower Characteristics

This hybrid cultivar stands out due to the unique characteristics of its flowers. Featuring a white and pink color palette, the flowers bloom during autumn and winter, lending a stunning contrast to the plant’s lush green foliage. The distinctive bell shape of the blooms gives the plant an extra charm that is sure to draw attention in any garden setting.

Native Habitat and Distribution

The Correa ‘Just a Touch’ is native to Australia and thrives in a range of climatic zones including warm temperate, cool temperate, and Mediterranean regions. Despite its Australian roots, the plant has found its way into gardens across the world, thanks to its adaptability to various soil types such as sandy, loamy, sandy loam, clay loam, potting mix, and even poor soil.

Etymology and Significance

The name Correa is a nod to the plant’s historical significance. It is named after the Portuguese botanist José Francisco Correa de Serra. While ‘Just a Touch’ does not have any specific historical or cultural significance, it implies the plant’s gentle yet striking visual appeal that adds just a touch of elegance to gardens and landscapes.

Seasonal Attributes

The seasonal attributes of Correa ‘Just a Touch’ are one of its many alluring traits. In particular, its flowering periods set it apart. Unlike many plants that bloom in spring or summer, Correa ‘Just a Touch’ has a unique flowering time during the cooler months of autumn and winter. The colour of its flowers – a delicate blend of white and pink – can also show some variation depending on the specific environmental conditions. Coupled with its frost tolerance, this means that Correa ‘Just a Touch’ can provide colour and vibrancy to gardens even during the cooler parts of the year.

From its visual appeal and flexible nature to its historical significance, Correa ‘Just a Touch’ is more than just a plant. It’s a feature that brings elegance, beauty, and biodiversity to gardens the world over.

Planting Correa ‘Just a Touch’

Optimal Soil Conditions

Planting Correa ‘Just a Touch’ begins with creating the optimal soil conditions. This variety of Correa is remarkably adaptable, able to grow in various soil types including sandy, loamy, sandy loam, clay loam, potting mix, and even poor soil. Despite this adaptability, good drainage is crucial as the plant prefers moderately dry conditions to saturated ones.

In terms of pH balance, Correa ‘Just a Touch’ can tolerate a wide range, from acid to neutral to alkaline soils. This means irrespective of your garden’s soil type; this plant is likely to find its feet in your backyard.

Selecting the Perfect Location

The choice of location is an essential factor when planting Correa ‘Just a Touch’. This plant thrives in sunny, light shade, and half shade conditions, highlighting its remarkable adaptability to different light conditions. Hence, you should choose a spot where the plant can get a good amount of sunlight but is partially protected from the harsh afternoon sun.

While Correa ‘Just a Touch’ tolerates mild wind exposure, strong winds may cause damage. If your garden experiences consistent heavy winds, it might be best to place the plant in a protected location or use windbreaks to shield it.

As for spacing, allow at least half a meter between plants. This will ensure each Correa ‘Just a Touch’ has enough room to grow and spread.

Container Planting

For those with limited garden space, don’t worry. Correa ‘Just a Touch’ is perfectly suited for container growing. Make sure to choose a pot with good drainage and fill it with a high-quality potting mix to help the plant thrive. Place your container in a spot where the plant can get the necessary sunlight, ideally on a balcony, patio, or near a sunny window.

Suitable Companion Plants

Correa ‘Just a Touch’ is a versatile plant that can be paired with a variety of other species to create visually appealing garden combinations. Thanks to its low hanging flowers and evergreen nature, it works well with taller, background plants that provide contrast. Consider companions such as Acacias or Eucalyptus for height, or ground-cover plants like Brachyscomes or Dianellas for horizontal variety.

In summary, with the right soil conditions, an ideally suited location, and companion plants, your Correa ‘Just a Touch’ can provide you with a stunningly vibrant and attractive outdoor space throughout the year.

Caring for Correa ‘Just a Touch’

Even though Correa ‘Just a Touch’ is a low-maintenance plant overall, some care practices ensure its healthy growth and attractive appearance.

Watering Requirements

Correa ‘Just a Touch’ prefers well-drained and moderately dry soil. However, consistent moisture management is essential, especially during dry spells or extended periods without rainfall. Be sure to water it regularly, keeping the soil moderately moist but not waterlogged. These plants can tolerate dry periods, but it’s best to ensure they have enough water during the hotter parts of the year or during extended periods of drought.

The Role of Mulching

Mulching plays a critical role in caring for your Correa ‘Just a Touch’. It helps conserve soil moisture, reducing watering needs, and controlling the growth of weeds that might compete with your Correa for nutrients. Moreover, mulch helps regulate soil temperature, keeping it cool in summer and warm in winter, which is beneficial for the plant. Organic mulches like wood chips or compost are excellent choices as they also add nutrients to the soil as they decompose.

Nutritional Needs

While Correa ‘Just a Touch’ can grow well even in poor soils, providing it with additional nutrients can encourage healthier and more vigorous growth. A well-balanced, slow-release native plant fertilizer applied in spring can help meet the plant’s nutritional needs. However, avoid using fertilizers with high levels of phosphorus as this can be harmful to Correa plants.

Pruning and Maintenance

Regular pruning will benefit your Correa ‘Just a Touch’. This practice encourages bushier growth, maintains an attractive appearance, and can stimulate more flowering. Annual pruning, preferably at the end of the flowering season, is advisable. Ensure to cut back no more than one-third of the growth to maintain the shape and to prevent the plant from becoming leggy.

Common Pests and Diseases

Generally, Correa ‘Just a Touch’ isn’t severely affected by common garden pests or diseases. However, it’s always wise to keep an eye out for signs of pests like aphids or diseases such as root rot, particularly if the plant is over-watered. Regular checks, maintaining good garden hygiene, and appropriate action when needed should ensure your Correa stays healthy. If you do notice pests or signs of disease, consult with your local garden center for treatment options.

Correa ‘Just a Touch’ is an adaptable plant, but like all plants, it needs some level of care. By addressing its watering and nutritional needs, making good use of mulch, and keeping up with maintenance practices, you can enjoy the beauty of this plant year-round.

Propagation and Cultivation

Propagating Correa ‘Just a Touch’ is a rewarding gardening activity that allows you to multiply your plants in a cost-effective way. It’s also an excellent way to share this delightful plant with fellow gardening friends. There are several methods you can utilize for propagation including seed propagation, stem cuttings, and division.

Seed Propagation

While technically possible, seed propagation is not typically used for hybrid plants like Correa ‘Just a Touch’. Moreover, it can be challenging and time-consuming, requiring a degree of skill and patience. If you’re new to propagation or want the quickest and most reliable results, you might prefer methods like stem cuttings or division.

Stem Cuttings

This is perhaps the easiest and most successful method of propagating Correa ‘Just a Touch’. Follow these steps for propagating using stem cuttings:

  1. Choose the right stem. Select a healthy semi-hardwood stem, preferably with no flowering buds.
  2. Make the cut. Using a sharp, sterilized gardening knife or sheers, cut about 10-15 cm from the tip of the stem, making sure it includes at least 2 or 3 nodes (the bumps where leaves attach).
  3. Prepare the cutting. Trim off the lower leaves, ensuring the bottom node is exposed and dip the cut end in rooting hormone (optional, but it can help speed up the rooting process).
  4. Plant the cutting. Insert the cutting into a pot filled with a well-draining potting mix or sand, and water well.
  5. Wait for roots to develop. Keep the pot in a shaded spot and maintain consistent moisture until roots develop, usually within a few weeks to months.


Although not as commonly used as stem cuttings, division can also be a successful propagation method. This process involves carefully digging up and dividing the root ball to create new plants. Given that Correa ‘Just a Touch’ is a smaller bush, it may not be the most suitable method.

Timing and Tools

The best time to take cuttings is during the late summer or early autumn, as this is when the plant’s new growth begins to harden slightly. Essential tools include a sharp gardening knife, secateurs, rooting hormone (optional), well-draining potting mix or sand, and small gardening pots.

Success Rates and Potential Challenges

Stem cuttings tend to have a higher rate of success than seed propagation or division. However, it’s crucial to maintain consistent moisture and avoid overwatering, as this can lead to cuttings rotting before they root.

Remember, propagation doesn’t always succeed on the first try. Don’t let initial failure dissuade you. With some practice and patience, propagating Correa ‘Just a Touch’ can become a regular and rewarding part of your gardening journey.

Seasonal Care and Maintenance

Looking after the Correa ‘Just a Touch’ entails addressing its needs that shift with the change of seasons. Here’s a seasonal care calendar for this beautiful plant:


Spring is the time to ensure your Correa ‘Just a Touch’ has the nutrients it needs for the growing season ahead. Apply a well-balanced, slow-release native plant fertilizer, ensuring that it’s low in phosphorus. This is also an excellent time for propagation via stem cuttings. Once new growth is observed, keep a close eye on watering, ensuring maintained moisture levels.


In summer, your main task is to ensure your Correa ‘Just a Touch’ has enough water, particularly during dry spells. However, avoid overwatering and ensure the soil is well-drained. Maintain a layer of mulch to keep the soil moist and cool.

Autumn (Fall)

Autumn is the main blooming season for Correa ‘Just a Touch’, and it’s a fabulous time to enjoy its spectacular display of white and pink flowers. During this time, keep an eye on soil moisture, ensuring it’s well-drained but adequately hydrated. Once the flowering has decreased towards the end of the season, undertake light pruning to encourage healthy growth and maintain an attractive shape of the plant.


Correa ‘Just a Touch’ is cold-hardy and can endure light frost. However, in regions with colder climates and heavy frosts, it may need some winter protection. Cover the plant with a frost cloth or place it in a sheltered spot, such as near a wall, which can provide some protection against frost.

Special Care for Blooming Season

Maximizing beauty during the blooming season in the autumn involves maintaining consistent water levels and ensuring the plant is healthy overall. It’s also important to let the plant follow its natural growth and blooming pattern, so resist the urge to prune during this time.

Remember, maintenance and care practices like appropriate watering, fertilizing, pruning, and protection from frost not only keep your Correa ‘Just a Touch’ healthy but also help ensure a marvelous floral display during the blooming season.


Nurturing the Correa ‘Just a Touch’ effectively requires an understanding of its unique needs across the seasons. From efficient propagation techniques such as stem cuttings to nuanced maintenance practices varying with the changing seasons, cultivating this plant can be an enriching endeavor. However, adhering to consistent watering, fertilizing judiciously, and pruning at the right times will ensure this plant’s robust growth and admirable eye appeal.

One can’t overstate Correa ‘Just a Touch’‘s adaptability, beauty, and versatility. Whether nestled in a small shrub border, showcased in a container, or gracing the landscapes of a cottage garden, this plant’s persistent charm makes it a valuable addition to gardens of any size. Its resilience to varied soil types, tolerance to frost, and attraction to wildlife add to its appeal.

In light of these characteristics, consider adding the Correa ‘Just a Touch’ to your garden. Cultivating it will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your landscape but will also offer the chance to enjoy the special charm and unique benefits that this plant can bring. By embracing proper care routines, you can treasure the joy of watching this wonderful plant blossom year after year in your garden.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When is the best time to plant Correa ‘Just a Touch’?

While you can plant Correa ‘Just a Touch’ most times of the year, the optimal time is in the spring, right before the growing season.

What are the water requirements for Correa ‘Just a Touch’?

Correa ‘Just a Touch’ prefers a dry to well-drained soil moisture. It needs regular watering, especially during dry periods in the summer, but avoid overwatering as this can lead to root rot.

Can I grow Correa ‘Just a Touch’ in a container?

Yes. Correa ‘Just a Touch’ adapts well to container gardening. Ensure you choose a pot with sufficient drainage, and use a sandy loam soil or potting mix.

What pests or diseases should I watch out for?

Correa ‘Just a Touch’ is a relatively hardy plant with no specific susceptibility to pests or diseases. Regular gardening maintenance practices should be sufficient to keep it healthy.

How should I prune Correa ‘Just a Touch’?

This plant can benefit from light pruning, which is best done at the end of the blooming season in autumn. Pruning helps maintain its attractive mound-shaped growth habit and encourages a fresh flush of growth.

How cold-tolerant is Correa ‘Just a Touch’?

Correa ‘Just a Touch’ tolerates light frost, making it quite resilient in cooler climates. However, if you’re in an area with heavy frosts, consider providing some protection during the coldest part of winter.

When can we expect Correa ‘Just a Touch’ to start flowering?

You can expect Correa ‘Just a Touch’ to start flowering from autumn through to winter. The white, pink flowers are a delight to witness and make this plant a standout addition to your garden during these seasons.

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