Spathiphyllum Sensation Care: A Comprehensive Guide

Spathiphyllum Sensation Care
Spathiphyllum Sensation Care

Spathiphyllum Sensation Care: A Comprehensive Guide – Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ is a stunning, low-maintenance plant that not only elevates the aesthetic of your home but also helps clean your indoor air. It is the largest cultivar of Spathiphyllum and produces large, deeply ribbed leaves that give a wild vibe to space. This plant is perfect for bedrooms, living rooms, and offices as it has been proven to be among the best houseplants to help improve indoor air quality.

Understanding the Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ care requirements is essential to keep the plant healthy and thriving. This guide will cover everything you need to know about caring for your Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’, including the ideal environment, watering requirements, lighting conditions, soil and fertilizer needs, propagation methods, pest and disease management, pruning and maintenance, repotting guidelines, winter care, common mistakes to avoid, and frequently asked questions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ is a low-maintenance plant that helps clean indoor air and elevates the aesthetic of your home.
  • Understanding the plant’s care requirements is essential for keeping it healthy and thriving.
  • Proper watering, lighting, soil, and fertilizer are crucial for the plant’s growth and development.

Understanding Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’

Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ is a popular houseplant known for its large, deeply ribbed leaves and pure white calla lily shaped flowers. It is the largest cultivar of the Spathiphyllum species and is native to tropical regions in Central and South America.

Origin and Distribution

Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ is a versatile plant that has adapted well to indoor environments, making it a favorite among plant enthusiasts. It is a member of the Araceae family and is closely related to other popular houseplants such as the Peace Lily and Anthurium.

The plant is native to the rainforests of Central and South America, where it grows in the understory of the forest floor. It is found in countries such as Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador.

Care and Maintenance

Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ is a relatively easy plant to care for, making it an excellent choice for beginners. Here are some tips for keeping your plant healthy and happy:

  • Light: Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ prefers moderate to bright, indirect light but can tolerate low light conditions. Direct sunlight can burn its delicate leaves if exposed for a long time.
  • Water: The plant prefers consistently moist soil but can tolerate short periods of dryness. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it is essential to let the soil dry out slightly between waterings.
  • Humidity: Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ prefers high humidity levels, making it an excellent plant for bathrooms or kitchens. You can increase humidity by misting the leaves or placing a tray of water near the plant.
  • Temperature: The plant prefers temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C) and does not tolerate cold temperatures or drafts.
  • Fertilizer: Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ benefits from regular fertilization during the growing season (spring and summer). Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 2-3 weeks.
  • Repotting: The plant does not require frequent repotting and can remain in the same pot for several years. Repotting should be done when the plant has outgrown its current container or when the soil has become compacted.

Overall, Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ is a low-maintenance plant that can add a touch of tropical beauty to any indoor space. With proper care and maintenance, it can thrive for many years.

Ideal Environment

Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ plants thrive in a warm and humid environment that mimics their native tropical rainforest habitat. Here are some ideal conditions to keep in mind when caring for this plant:


The ideal temperature range for Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ is between 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid exposing the plant to temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, as this can cause damage to the leaves.


Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ prefers bright, indirect light. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as this can lead to scorching the leaves. Ideal spots include a north or east-facing window where the plant can receive a reasonable amount of indirect light.


Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ requires high humidity levels to thrive. You can increase humidity by placing a tray of water near the plant or by using a humidifier. Misting the leaves with water can also help increase humidity levels.


Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ prefers well-draining soil that is kept consistently moist. A mix of mainly potting mix with something free draining like perlite will do the job. These plants are fast growers in the right conditions, so yearly repotting in spring is pretty standard (check for roots coming out of the bottom of the pot).


Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ appreciates frequent feedings, which result in the strongest plant and seasonal blooming. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) and reduce to once a month during the dormant season (fall and winter).

Watering Requirements

Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ requires consistent and moderate watering to thrive. Overwatering can cause root rot, while underwatering can cause the leaves to wilt and yellow. The frequency of watering will depend on various factors such as the temperature, humidity, and soil type.

When watering the plant, it is important to ensure that the water drains out of the pot to prevent waterlogging. The top 2-3 inches of soil should be dry before watering again. It is recommended to water the plant thoroughly until water drains out of the bottom of the pot and then wait for the soil to dry out before watering again.

It is also important to note that the plant can tolerate underwatering better than overwatering. If in doubt, it is better to underwater than overwater the plant. Overwatering can cause the roots to rot, which can be difficult to reverse.

To maintain the proper moisture level, it is recommended to use a well-draining soil mix that allows excess water to drain out of the pot. Adding perlite or sand to the soil can also improve drainage.

In summary, Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ requires moderate and consistent watering to thrive. It is important to ensure that the soil is well-draining and to avoid overwatering, which can lead to root rot. Watering the plant thoroughly and allowing the soil to dry out before watering again is recommended.

Lighting Conditions

Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ thrives in bright, filtered light. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, so it’s best to avoid placing it in direct sunlight. Ideal spots include a north or east-facing window where the plant can receive a reasonable amount of indirect light.

While they can handle lower light, Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ will do best in medium to bright indirect light, especially if you want it to flower. If the plant is not receiving enough light, it may not bloom.

It’s important to note that the amount of light a plant needs can vary depending on the season. During the winter months, when the days are shorter and the sun is weaker, the plant may require more light. On the other hand, during the summer months when the days are longer and the sun is stronger, the plant may require less light.

If you notice that the leaves are turning yellow or brown, it may be a sign that the plant is receiving too much light. If this is the case, move the plant to a location with less direct sunlight.

Overall, providing the right amount of light is crucial for the health and well-being of Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’. By placing the plant in a location with bright, filtered light, you can help ensure that it grows and thrives.

Soil and Fertilizer Needs

Soil Preferences

Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ prefers well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. A high-quality potting mix that contains peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite is an excellent choice for this plant. The soil should be moist but not waterlogged, as overwatering can lead to root rot.

It is essential to ensure that the pot has adequate drainage holes to allow excess water to escape. If the soil remains soggy, it can lead to fungal infections and other problems.

Fertilizer Types and Usage

Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ is a heavy feeder and requires regular fertilization to maintain its health and vigor. A balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 20-20-20 is an excellent choice for this plant. Fertilize the plant every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer), and reduce the frequency to once a month during the fall and winter.

It is essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when applying fertilizer, as overfertilization can lead to burning of the plant’s roots. It is also important to water the plant thoroughly after fertilization to prevent salt buildup in the soil.

In summary, Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ requires well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter and regular fertilization with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. By providing the plant with the proper soil and nutrients, it will thrive and produce stunning, low-maintenance foliage.

Propagation Methods

Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ can be propagated through division or stem cuttings. Both methods are relatively easy and can be done successfully with a bit of patience and care.


Division is the most common method of propagating Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’. It involves separating the plant into smaller sections and replanting them in their own pots. This method is best done in the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing.

To divide a Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’, gently remove it from its pot and carefully separate the roots into smaller sections. Each section should have a few leaves and a healthy root system. Be sure to use a clean, sharp knife or scissors to avoid damaging the plant.

Once the sections have been separated, plant them in their own pots with fresh, well-draining soil. Water thoroughly and place the pots in a bright, indirect light location. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, and avoid direct sunlight until the plant is established.

Stem Cuttings

Stem cuttings can also be used to propagate Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’. This method involves taking a cutting from the plant and rooting it in water or soil. Stem cuttings are best taken in the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing.

To take a stem cutting, select a healthy stem with a few leaves and cut it just below a node. Remove any leaves from the bottom of the stem and dip the cut end in rooting hormone if desired.

If rooting in water, place the cutting in a jar or vase filled with water and change the water every few days. Roots should begin to form within a few weeks.

If rooting in soil, plant the cutting in a pot with fresh, well-draining soil and water thoroughly. Place the pot in a bright, indirect light location and keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Roots should begin to form within a few weeks.

Propagation by division and stem cuttings are both effective methods for propagating Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’. With proper care and attention, new plants can be grown from a single parent plant.

Pest and Disease Management

Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ is a relatively low-maintenance plant, but it is still susceptible to pests and diseases. Proper care and maintenance can help prevent infestations and infections, but it is important to know how to identify and treat any issues that may arise.


Common pests that can affect Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ include spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. These pests can cause damage to the leaves and stems of the plant, and can also spread to other plants in the vicinity.

To prevent infestations, it is important to regularly inspect the plant for signs of pests. If pests are detected, the affected areas should be treated with a suitable insecticide. Insecticidal soap or neem oil can be effective against many common pests, but it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.


The most common diseases that affect Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ are root rot and leaf spot. Root rot is caused by overwatering and can lead to the death of the plant if left untreated. Leaf spot is caused by a fungal infection and can cause brown spots to appear on the leaves.

To prevent root rot, it is important to ensure that the plant is not overwatered and that the soil is well-drained. If root rot is detected, the affected areas should be removed and the plant should be repotted in fresh soil.

To prevent leaf spot, it is important to avoid getting water on the leaves of the plant and to ensure that the plant is not overcrowded. If leaf spot is detected, the affected leaves should be removed and the plant should be treated with a suitable fungicide.

Overall, with proper care and attention, Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ can be a beautiful and healthy addition to any indoor space. Regular inspections and prompt treatment of any issues can help ensure that the plant remains healthy and vibrant for years to come.

Pruning and Maintenance

Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ is a low-maintenance plant that requires minimal pruning. However, regular maintenance is necessary to keep the plant healthy and thriving.


Deadheading is the process of removing spent blooms or flowers from the plant. It is essential to maintain the aesthetic appeal of the plant and promote healthy growth. The dead flowers can be easily removed by pinching them off with your fingers or using a pair of scissors. Deadheading should be done regularly to prevent the plant from wasting energy on producing seeds.


Pruning is essential to maintain the shape and size of the plant. It involves cutting back the stems and leaves of the plant to encourage new growth. Pruning also helps to remove any dead or damaged foliage that can attract pests or disease.

To prune Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation,’ use a sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears. Cut back any yellow or brown leaves at the base of the stem. If the stem is too long, cut it back to a node or the base of the plant. Be sure to sterilize your tools before and after use to prevent the spread of disease.


Cleaning is an essential part of maintaining the health of your Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation.’ Dust and debris can accumulate on the leaves, blocking sunlight and reducing the plant’s ability to photosynthesize. To clean the plant, use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down the leaves gently. Be sure to avoid getting water on the flowers, as this can cause them to rot.


Proper watering is critical to the health of your Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation.’ Overwatering can cause the plant’s roots to rot, while underwatering can cause the leaves to wilt and turn yellow. Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Be sure to use room temperature water and avoid getting water on the flowers.


Fertilizing is not necessary for Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation,’ but it can help promote healthy growth and flowering. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer once a month during the growing season. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package carefully to avoid over-fertilizing, which can damage the plant.

Repotting Guidelines

Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ should be repotted every two to three years to ensure optimal growth and health. When repotting, it’s important to choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one to allow for growth.

Before repotting, gently remove the plant from its current pot and shake off any excess soil. Inspect the roots for any signs of damage or disease, and trim any dead or damaged roots with a clean, sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears.

When repotting, use a high-quality, well-draining potting mix that is rich in organic matter. It’s also a good idea to add some perlite or coarse sand to the mix to improve drainage. Fill the new pot with enough potting mix so that the base of the plant sits just below the rim of the pot.

Gently place the plant in the new pot, making sure that it is centered and upright. Fill in the gaps around the plant with more potting mix, pressing down gently to ensure that the soil is compacted.

Water the plant thoroughly after repotting, and place it in a bright, indirect location until it has had a chance to acclimate to its new environment. Avoid fertilizing the plant for at least a month after repotting to give it time to settle in and recover.

Winter Care

During the winter months, Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ requires slightly different care than during the rest of the year. Here are some tips to keep your plant healthy and thriving:

  • Temperature: Keep the plant away from cold drafts and ensure the temperature remains above 60°F (15°C). If the temperature drops below this, the plant may suffer from leaf yellowing or even die.
  • Watering: Reduce watering frequency during the winter months. Allow the top 2-3 inches of soil to dry out before watering the plant. Overwatering can cause root rot, which is difficult to treat.
  • Humidity: The dry air of winter can cause the leaves to brown at the tips. To prevent this, increase humidity around the plant by placing a tray of water nearby or using a humidifier.
  • Light: Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ prefers bright, indirect light. During the winter months, when daylight hours are shorter, consider supplementing with artificial light if necessary.
  • Fertilizer: Reduce fertilizer applications during the winter months, as the plant’s growth rate slows down. Apply a balanced fertilizer at half the recommended strength every 6-8 weeks.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ plant remains healthy and vibrant throughout the winter months.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Taking care of Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ requires some attention to detail. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when caring for this plant:


Overwatering is one of the most common mistakes made when caring for Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’. These plants prefer moist but not waterlogged soil. Overwatering can cause the roots to rot and lead to the death of the plant. It is best to let the soil dry out slightly between waterings.

Lack of Light

Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ prefers bright, filtered light but can tolerate low light conditions. Placing the plant in direct sunlight can lead to scorching of the leaves. On the other hand, placing the plant in a dark corner can cause the leaves to turn yellow and drop off. It is best to find a spot that receives indirect light for most of the day.

Lack of Humidity

Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ prefers high humidity levels. Dry air can cause the leaves to turn brown and crispy. Using a humidifier or placing a tray of water near the plant can help increase humidity levels.

Using the Wrong Soil

Using the wrong soil can cause problems for Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’. These plants prefer well-draining soil that retains moisture but does not become waterlogged. A good potting mix for Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ should contain peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite.

Lack of Fertilizer

Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ requires regular fertilization to thrive. A lack of fertilizer can cause the plant to become stunted and produce fewer flowers. It is best to fertilize the plant every two to four weeks during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer.

By avoiding these common mistakes, Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ can thrive and produce beautiful flowers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I water my Spathiphyllum Sensation plant?

Watering your Spathiphyllum Sensation plant when the top 2-3 inches of soil is dry is recommended. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it’s important to not let the plant sit in standing water.

What is the scientific name for the Spathiphyllum Sensation plant?

The scientific name for the Spathiphyllum Sensation plant is Spathiphyllum wallisii ‘Sensation’.

How do I care for my Spathiphyllum Sensation plant indoors?

Spathiphyllum Sensation plants thrive in bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. They prefer average room temperatures and can benefit from regular misting to increase humidity. Fertilizing once a month during the growing season can also promote healthy growth.

Why are my Spathiphyllum Sensation leaves drooping?

Drooping leaves on a Spathiphyllum Sensation plant can be a sign of overwatering or underwatering. Ensure that you are not letting the plant sit in standing water and that the soil is not too dry.

What is the price range for a Spathiphyllum Sensation plant?

The price range for a Spathiphyllum Sensation plant can vary depending on the size and location of purchase. Generally, they can range from $20 to $50.

What is the difference between a Spathiphyllum Sensation plant and a Peace Lily plant?

The main difference between a Spathiphyllum Sensation plant and a Peace Lily plant is their size. Spathiphyllum Sensation plants can grow larger than Peace Lily plants and have larger flowers. Additionally, Spathiphyllum Sensation plants are a specific cultivar of the Spathiphyllum species.

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